This map aims to show the addresses of the Titanic crew members who either lived or lodged in Southampton immediately prior to the voyage. You can scroll, zoom in, and click on individual markers for more information. Further information can be found under the map, along with a list of those who are represented and their addresses.
Blue marker = Saved
Red marker = Perished
According to the British Board of Trade report, a total of 1,514 people died when Titanic sank on 15 April 1912. The same report stated that there were a total of 908 crew members on board, of which 696 died. There are 724 crew members represented on this map, of which 542 died and 178 survived. There are also four men who failed to join the ship included on the map, please see the notes at the bottom of the page for information on this. This does mean that the vast majority of the crew members who perished had a Southampton address prior to the voyage, and they represent over a third of the total number of people who sadly lost their lives on that fateful night.
It is true that not all of the men and women represented on this map were permanent residents of Southampton. You will find people staying in pubs, hotels, restaurants, and lodging houses. The White Star Line decided to move its main transatlantic service from Liverpool to Southampton in 1907 and this resulted in the construction of the White Star Dock at Southampton. It was a brand new dock and importantly it was large enough to accommodate the company’s three new Olympic-class liners: Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic. This is now called Ocean Dock and it can be seen on the map (Titanic sailed from Berth 44). Such was the need for regular employment, White Star Line’s move saw many families relocate permanently to Southampton from Liverpool and other cities and towns between 1907 and 1912. Being a major port town, the ships that called Southampton home drew heavily upon local men and women for the vast majority of their crew.
The effect the loss had on Southampton was horrendous. A few days after the disaster, on 18 April 1912, the Gloucester Citizen reported that the Daily Mail had interviewed a woman who lived on York Street in Northam. She reportedly said:
“No, my man was not on the Titanic, he is on the Olympic, thank God. Mrs. May, the woman standing at her door across the way there, she has lost her husband and eldest son. The husband was a cook for firemen. Arthur, the son, was only married a year ago, and his wife had a baby six weeks ago. Then there’s Mrs. Allen. She lives round the corner. She has lost her husband, and she was so fond of him. ‘There was no one like George’, she used to say. That young girl in black, the one on this side, is Mrs. Barnes. She has lost her brother. The woman going into the shop is Mrs. Josling [sic]. She has lost a son; and Mrs. Preston, of Prince Street [sic], a widow, has lost a son, too. There is a woman in Bevois Street who gave birth to twins a fortnight ago, and she died from shock when she heard of her husband’s death. There are fifteen families who have lost a father or a son in this street, but Mrs. May’s case is the worst.”
Regarding the story about the widow dying of shock, the wife of Frederick William Barrett of 26 Bevois Street did indeed give birth to twins a few weeks before the voyage, however it appears she went on to live for another fifty years. It is likely that in the days after the disaster, rumours and stories like this spread around the town like wildfire.
The Daily Mail reporter crossed the road to speak to Ann May of 75 York Street who had lost her husband and her eldest son. In a ‘weary voice’, she said:
“Yes, it’s true, husband and son have gone and left eleven of us. It was the first time Arthur and his father had been at sea together, and if would not have happened if Arthur had not been out of work owing to the coal strike. He tried to get a job ashore but failed, and as he had his wife and baby to keep he signed on in the Titanic as a fireman. His father should not have been on the Titanic, but a bad leg stopped him from going in his own ship the Britannia. Now they are gone and there are eleven of us. The eldest boy, nineteen, makes a few shillings a week by odd jobs, and my youngest baby is six months old.”
These words demonstrate just how badly the people of Southampton were impacted by the disaster. Indeed, on the map you will see neighbours, brothers, fathers and sons, cousins, in-laws, nephews and uncles, even a nephew and an aunt. It is sometimes said that everybody in Southampton knew someone who lost a family member. Looking at this map, you can see why.
The map took around a month to put together. Each name and address had to be checked, and then the location of each marker had to be manually plotted using longitude and latitude coordinates. In many cases, the houses are still there today. However, due to slum clearances, bomb damage, and redevelopment, a lot of the houses are long gone. Where the buildings no longer exist, the marker has generally been placed in the middle of the street roughly at the place where the building would have once been. In these instances, especially on hard hit streets like College Street, the markers have been spread out along the street so that they do not merge into one, which is what happens when they are too close. Sometimes the markers may be on the site of where the house once stood. In other cases, where the actual house cannot be discerned, the marker has simply been placed in the street. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy.
Below is a list of every single person represented on the map. It is in alphabetical order, but you can search by pressing CTRL and F on your keyboard or, if you are using a mobile phone, by using ‘Find on Page’ or similar. Some of the addresses and names have been shortened in order for them to fit in the list, but more information can be found by clicking on the markers on the map. If you need help finding anyone on the map, please contact me on Facebook or Twitter – @HistoricalSoton.
Ernest Owen Abbott | 98 Northumberland Road |
William Thomas Abrams | 3 Charles Street |
Robert John Adams | 168 Pound Tree Road |
Percy Snowden Ahier | 136 Northumberland Road |
Albert Edward Akerman | 25 Rochester Street |
Joseph Francis Akerman | 25 Rochester Street |
Battista Antonio Allaria | 9 Orchard Place |
Robert Spencer Allen | Kenilworth Road |
Frederick Blades AKA Frederick Allen | 9 Short Street |
Ernest Frederick Allen | 9 Short Street |
George Allen | 32 Grove Street |
Henry Allen | French Street |
Alfred Samuel Allsop | 134 Malmesbury Road |
Frank Richard Allsop | 73 Obelisk Road |
Walter Anderson | 12 Queen’s Terrace |
John Anderson | 1 Cozen’s Court |
Charles Edward Andrews | 145 Millbrook Road |
Ernest Edward Archer | 59 Portchester Road |
James Avery | 122 Earls Road |
Edwin George Ayling | 22 Wilton Street |
Charles Frederick Back | 38 Weymouth Terrace |
Allen Mardon Baggott | 106 Park Road |
Edward Bagley | 11 Woodside Road |
George Bailey | 16 Brook (Poole) Road |
Henry Joseph Bailey | 377 Portswood Road |
Richard Baines | 9 Union Place |
Percy Ball | 7 Windsor Terrace |
John Bannon | 9 St George’s Street |
Reginald Lomond Barker | Maybush House, Old Shirley |
Charles Barlow | 10 St Mary’s Road |
George Barlow | Cherminster, Foundry Lane |
Charles Barnes AKA Robert Barnhouse | 45 York Road |
Frederick Barnes | 25 Parsonage Road |
John Barnes | 20 Woodley Road |
Arthur Barratt | 164 Northumberland Road |
Frederick William Barrett | 26 Bevois Street |
Frederick William Barrett | 24 King Street |
Arthur William Barringer | 52 Padwell Road |
Charles Henry John ‘Harry’ Barrow | 17 Derby Road |
Sidney John Barton | 85 College Street |
Harry Ross Baxter | 5 Shirley Road |
Thomas Ferguson Baxter | 81 Atherley Road |
Joseph Beattie | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
George William Beauchamp | Redbridge Road |
William Barnett Bedford | 163 Manor Road |
William Beere | Warren Avenue |
Joseph Bell | 34 Canute Road |
Frank Bendell | 26 Woodley Road |
Fred John Benham | 56 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
George Bennett | 3 Deal Street |
Mabel Bennett | 22 Cranbury Avenue |
Edward Benville | 4 Orchard Place |
Edward Bessant | 39 Shirley Park Road |
William Bessant | 36 Henry Road |
Edwin Alfred Best | 89 Malmesbury Road |
Joseph Henry Bevis | 171 Empress Road |
Reginald Charles Biddlecombe | 42 Kentish Road |
Edward Charles Biggs | 65 College Street |
James Billows | 28 Bell Street |
Walter Binstead | 49 Endle Street |
Walter Alexander Bishop | 248 Romsey Road |
Alexander Black | 6 Briton Street |
D. Black | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Albert Blackman | 58 College Street |
Percival Albert Blake | 2 Floating Bridge Road |
Stanley Blake | Holyrood House, Winkle Street |
Thomas Blake | 35 Peel Street |
James Blaney | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Eustace Horatius Blann | 99 Pound (Cannon) Street |
Jean Baptiste Blumet | 26 Richmond Street |
Joseph Alexis Bochatay | 28 Oakbank Road |
Hendrik Bolhuis | 37 Orchard Place |
William John Bond | 20 Hanley Road |
William John Boston | 1 Hanley Road |
Walter Boothby | 50 Ivy Road |
William Bott | 6 Nichols Road |
Bernard John Boughton | 10 Richmond Steet |
John Boyd | 52 Cranbury Avenue |
John Henry Boyes | 106 Clovelly Road |
Patrick Joseph Bradley | Green’s Court, East Street |
Thomas Henry Bradley | 25 Threefield Lane |
John Albert Perkin Bradshaw | 2 Portland Street |
Henry ‘Harry’ Brewer | 27 Palmerston Road |
George Henry Brewster | 5 Carlton Place |
Arthur Briant AKA Frank Arthur Morris | 18 Short Street |
Albert Briant AKA Michael Stafford | 4 Southbrook Square |
Walter Brice | 11 Lower Canal Walk |
Harold Sydney Bride | 25-27 Queen’s Terrace |
Arthur John Bright | 105 Firgrove Road |
Robert Charles Bristow | 49 Westridge Road |
John Cress Brookman | 34 Richmond Street |
J. Brooks | 128 Lyon Street |
Athol Frederick Broome | White Lodge, Castle Road |
Edward George Brown | 43 Suffolk Avenue |
John Brown | 2 Russell Street |
Walter James Brown | 31 Hillside Avenue |
Wessel Adrianus van der Brugge | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
H. E. Buckley | 7 Brunswick Square |
Edward John Buley | 10 Cliff (Wharncliffe) Road |
Walter Edward Bull | 27 Chandos Street |
Henry Ashburnham Bulley | Britannia Road |
Wilfred James Bunnell | 47 Kingsfield Road |
Charles Burgess | 65 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
William Burke | 57 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Ewart Sydenham Burr | 48 Above Bar Street |
Arthur Victor Edwards Burrage | 9 Emsworth Road |
Arthur Peckham Burroughs | 73 Adelaide Road |
Edward John Burton | 24 Chapel Street |
Robert Henry Butt | 6 Cawte Road |
William John Butt | 6 Cawte Road |
John Butterworth | 270 Priory Road |
Hugh Calderwood | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
John Canner | 17 Shamrock Road |
Richard Stephen Carr | Winchester Road |
James Carter AKA W. Ball | 5 Brinton’s Road |
James Edward Cartwright | 11 Western Terrace |
Thomas Casey | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Charles Casswill | 42 Oxford Avenue |
Edward Castleman | 37 North Road |
William Ewart Caunt | 23 Sydney Road |
Herbert Cave | 17 Shirley Park Road |
George Henry Cavell | 140 South East Road |
Charles Thomas Cecil | 194 Millbrook Road |
Joseph Charles Chapman | 31 Bellevue Road |
John James Charman | 10 Latimer Street |
William Victor Cherrett | 13 Nelson Road |
George Alexander Chisnall | 53 High Street (Bishop’s Road) |
Archibald George Chitty | 69 Bevois Valley Road |
George Henry Chitty | 69 Bevois Valley Road |
John Henry Chorley | 2 Regent Street |
Herbert Harry Christmas | 4 Brinton’s Road |
William Clark | 30 Paget Street |
Frederick Clench | 10 Chantry Road |
George Clench | 10 Chantry Road |
Harry Coe | 10 Cross Court |
Albert Edward Coleman | Oak Tree Road |
John Coleman | 7 Mortimer Road |
Joseph Colgan | West Street |
John ‘Samuel’ Collins | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Gilbert William Cook | 23 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
George Combes | 45 Coleman Street |
Charles Augustus Coombs | 78 Dukes Road |
Harry Cooper | 9 George Street |
James Cooper | 27 Pound (Cannon) Street |
Albert Harry Copperthwaite | 39 Mount Street |
Ernest Theodore Corben | 50 Floating Bridge Road |
Dennis ‘Denny’ Corcoran | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Alfred Cotton | Shore Cottage, Hythe |
Joseph Henry Couch | 42 Canton Street |
Robert Couper | 101 Dukes Road |
Auguste Louis Coutin | 37 Orchard Place |
William Denton Cox | 110 Shirley Road |
Francis Ernest George Coy | 134 Portswood Road |
Henry Crabb | 101 Firgrove Road |
Frederick Horace Crafter | 143 Albert Road |
Alfred George Crawford | 22 Cranbury Avenue |
Henry Philip Creese | 2 Enfield Grove |
James Crimmins | 7 King Street |
Albert Hector Crisp | 37 Macnaghten Road |
William Cross | 97 Ludlow Road |
Paolo Luigi Crovella | 5 Orchard Place |
George Frederick Crow | 89 Milton Road |
Charles George Chandler Crumplin | 20 Shakespeare Avenue |
Andrew Orr Cunningham | 60 Charlton Road |
Bernard Cunningham | 6 Briton Street |
Arthur Curtis | 55 Kingsley Road |
William George Dashwood | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Gordon Raleigh Davies | Hillside Avenue |
John Davis | 19 Eastfield Road |
Robert John Davies | 12 The Polygon |
Thomas Davies | 2 Church Lane |
Joseph Dawson | 17 Briton Street |
George Fox Hopkins Dean | King Edward Avenue |
Alfred Arnold Deeble | 81 Atherley Road |
Arthur Henry Derrett | Hillside Avenue |
Percival Stainer Deslandes | 45 Portswood Road |
John Joseph Diaper | 102 Derby Road |
William Dickson | 10 Oriental Terrace |
Christopher Arthur Shulver AKA John Dilley | 44 Threefield Lane |
Thomas Patrick Dillon | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
James Richard Dinenage | 4 Cawte Road |
Edward Charles Dodd | 25-27 Queen’s Terrace |
George Charles Dodd | 59 Morris Road |
Henry Watson ‘Renny’ Dodds | 12 Queen’s Terrace |
Frederick Doel | 20 Richmond Street |
Joseph Dolby | 12 Devonshire Road |
Florence Thomas ‘Frank’ Donoghue | 60 Ludlow Road |
Albert James Dore | 9 Mount Street |
Louis Auguste Dornier | 3 Orchard Place |
Walter Thomas Doughty | 65 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Laurence Doyle | 10 Orchard Place |
William Luke Duffy | 11 Garton Road |
William Dunford | 16 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Henry Ryland Dyer | 53 Middle Street |
William Henry Dyer | 46 Stafford Road |
Frank Dymond | 3 Farmer’s Court |
Alfred James Eagle | 13 Lyon Street |
George Bulkeley Ede | 47 Manor Farm Road |
Frederick William Edge | 28 Clovelly Road |
Charles Essex Edwards | 7 Brunswick Square |
Everett Edward Elliott | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
John Bertie Ellis | 30 Dukes Road |
Henry Samuel Etches | 23 Gordon Avenue |
Alfred Frank Evans | 20 Deal Street |
Frank Oliver Evans | 14 Bond Street |
George Richard Evans | 36 Richmond Road |
William Evans | 94 Manor Road |
William Edward Farquharson | 94 Wilton Avenue |
William Stephen Faulkner | 16 Romsey Road |
Thomas Joseph Fay | 31 Standford Street |
Alfred James Fellows | 51 Bridge Street (Bernard Street) |
George William Feltham | 64 St Denys Road |
Antonio Ferrary | 38 St Mary’s Place |
William Ferris | 5 Hanover Place |
Henry Herman ‘Harry’ Finch | 32 French Street |
Cecil William Fitzpatrick | 93 Millbrook Road |
Edward Flaherty | 21 Standford Street |
Fred Fleet | 9 Norman Road |
John Foley | 2 Queen’s Road |
Wilfred Cyril Foley | 15 Andersons Road |
Ernest Ford | 100 Brinton’s Road |
Francis Ford | 66-67 Oxford Street |
H. Ford | Royal Oak, 5 Evans Street |
Thomas Ford | 36 Russell Street |
James Forward | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Albert Charles Foster | 38 North Front |
William Thomas Fox | Springfield Road |
Alan Vincent Franklin | Newton Road |
J. Fraser | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
James Fraser | 54 Tennyson Road |
Walter Francis Fredericks | 6 Elm Road |
Ernest Edward Samuel Freeman | 5 Hanley Road |
Albert Ernest Fryer | Charlotte Street |
Gaspare Antonino Pietro ‘Luigi’ Gatti | 40 Harborough Road |
Richard Charles Geddes | 80 Grove Road |
Alfred Emest Geer | 2 Standford Street |
Vincenzo Pio Gilardino | 15 Bellevue Road |
John Robert Giles | 104 Lyon Street |
Joseph Stanley Gill | 17 Suffolk Avenue |
Patrick Gill | 24 Waverley Road |
George Auguste Godley | 17 Mount Street |
Frederick Charles Godwin | Ringwood Road |
Kate Gold | Winchester Road |
Martin William Golder | 15 Lansdowne Hill |
Percival Salisbury Gollop | 27 Briton Street |
John Gordon | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Frank Goree | 5 Belvidere Terrace |
Alfred James Goshawk | 6 Coventry Road |
Bertram James Gosling | 11 Lower York Street |
Frank Henry Gosling | 17 French Street |
Ernest Edward Gradidge | 44 Radcliffe Road |
George Green | 57 Howards Grove |
David Gregory | 30 Floating Bridge Road |
Mary Gregson | 28 Lawn Road |
George Gumery | 24 Canute Road |
Joseph Alfred Gunn | 22 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Elgar John Guy | 5 College Terrace, London Road |
William Logan Gwynne | 4 Commercial Road |
John Haggan | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Albert Haines | 52 Grove Street |
Walter Stamford ‘Richard’ Halford | 2 Latimer Street |
Frank Alfred James Hall | 70 Sydney Road |
J. Hall | 2 Westgate Street |
George Hallett | 101 Church Street |
Ernest William Hamblyn | 2 Norman Villas, Dyer Road |
Ernest Hamilton | 5 Shirley Road |
Bernard Hands | St Michael’s House |
George Hannam | 1 Oxford Terrace, Millbank Street |
William ‘Bill’ Harder | 46 Winton Street |
Alfred John Harding | Station Cottages, Wessex Lane |
Reginald Hardwick | 4 Heysham Road |
John Hardy | Oakleigh, Holyrood Avenue |
Amos ‘Fred’ Harris | 12 Wilton Road |
Clifford Henry Harris | 14 Short Street |
Charles William Harris | 14 Short Street |
Edward John Harris | 83 Belgrave Road |
Aragoa Drummond Harrison | 131 Oakley Road |
Norman Harrison | 30 Coventry Road |
James Hart | 51 College Street |
John Edward Hart | Aberdeen, Foundry Lane |
Fred Hartnell | 25 Harcourt Road |
Herbert Gifford Harvey | 49 Obelisk Road |
James Heslin | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Hugh Hatch | 446 Portswood Road |
James Hawkesworth | 18 Wilton Road |
Walter William Hawkesworth | Bellemoor, 15 Lemon Road |
Arthur Hayter | 10 Mayflower Road |
Alfred Head | 19 Russell Street |
Albert Hebb | 5 Bell’s Court |
Samuel Ernest Hemming | 51 Kingsley Road |
Charles Osker Hendrickson | 255 Northumberland Road |
Edward Martin Hendy | 21 Paynes Road |
Herbert George Ernest Hensford | 132 Malmesbury Road |
Robert Hichens | 43 James Street |
Henry Parkinson Hill | 66-67 Oxford Street |
James Hill | 10 Kingsland Square |
James Colston ‘Jimmie’ Hill | 64 Cromwell Road |
George Henry Hinckley | 2 Oxford Street |
Stephen William Hinton | 26 Cummberland Street |
Sydney George Hiscock | 38 Chantry Road |
Leonard James Hoare | 108 Lyon Street |
Charles ‘Charley’ Hodge | 16 Ivy Road (Laurel Close) |
W. Hodges | 6 Britannia (Tankerville) Road |
Leonard Hodgkinson | 67 Arthur Road |
Albert John Hogan AKA G. King | 46 Threefield Lane |
George Alfred Hogg | 2 Daisy Cottages, Riverview Road |
Sidney Holloway | 60 Hartington Road |
Harry Holman | Cathcart, Britannia Road |
Roland Hopgood | 81 Romsey Road |
Fred Hopkins | 14 Fanshawe Street |
Albert Edward James Horswill | 44 Derby Road |
Richard Hosgood | 19 Woodley Road |
George Fox Hosking | 28 Avenue (Radstock) Road |
William ‘Jack’ House | 44 Derby Road |
Albert Arthur Howell | 12 Cliff (Wharncliffe) Road |
William Thomas Hughes | Ivy Bank, Dyer Road |
Frederick Humby | 52 Clarendon Road |
John Law ‘Jock’ Hume | 140 St Mary’s Road |
Humphrey Humphreys | 10 Rockstone Lane |
Sidney Humphreys | 113 Dukes Road |
Sylvanus Alfred ‘Albert’ ‘Ginger’ Hunt | Foresters’ Arms, French Street |
Tom Hunt | 2 Queen Street |
Charles John Hurst | 5 Laundry Road |
Walter Hurst | 15 Chapel Road |
James Hutchinson | 2 Oxford Street |
John Hall Hutchinson | 40 Onslow (Swift) Road |
Leo James Hyland | 55 Orchard Place |
Harry John Ide | 114 Lyon Street |
George Ingram | 18 Lower York Street |
Henry Ingrouille | 15 Floating Bridge Road |
William Ernest Ings | 45 Stratton Road |
Thomas Instance | 12 Guillaume Terrace |
John Jackopson | 97 Dukes Road |
Cecil Jackson | 22 Graham Road |
Joseph Jago | 47 Millbank Street |
Thomas James | 27 College Street |
William Frank Janaway | 1 Sir George’s Road |
William Alfred Jeffery | 2 Church Lane |
Thomas Henry ‘Harry’ Jenner | 3 Bellevue Road |
Charles Valdemar Jensen | 17 Morris Road |
Archibald ‘Archie’ Jewell | 32 College Street |
Nicolas Joas | 55 Bond Street |
James Johnstone | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Albert Jones | Woodfield, Charlton Road |
Arthur Ernest Jones | 122 Ludlow Road |
Harry Owen Glendower Jones | 10 Regent Street |
Reginald Jones | 7 Portland Terrace |
Georges Jules Jouannault | 3 Orchard Place |
Charles John Joughin | Leighton (St Edmund’s) Road |
Charles Edward Judd | 98 Derby Road |
Henry James Jukes | Moorgreen Road |
Herbert Jupe | 74 Bullar Road |
Franz Kasper | 6 Brunswick Square |
Charles Henry Kearl | 17 Chantry Road |
George Edward Kearl | 37 Bay Road |
James Keegan | 2 West Place |
Percy Edward Keen | 14 Rigby Road |
Thomas Kelland | Commercial Street |
James Kelly | 12 Woodley Road |
George Kemish | 238 Shirley Road |
Thomas Hulman Kemp | 11 Cedar Road |
Charles Kennel | 6 Park View |
August Kenzler | 21 Blechynden Terrace |
Thomas Russell ‘Tommy’ Kerr | 7 Hartley Street |
Henry Ketchley | 14 Northcote Road |
James Kieran | 33 Bellemoor Road |
Edgar Michael Kieran | 7 Avenue (Radstock) Road |
Frederick Charles Kinchenten | 9 Latimer Street |
Alfred King | 9 Dyer Road |
William Ford Kingscote | 24 Elgin Road |
Louis Kinsella | 7 Canal Walk |
Thomas Kirkaldy AKA T. Clark | Hillside Avenue |
James Kirkham | 4 Chapel Street |
Arthur Alfred Kitching | 170 Derby Road |
Herbert Klein | 56 Oakley Road |
George Knight | 45 Ludlow Road |
William Lake | 6 Royal Crescent Road |
Albert Edward Lane | 201 Victoria Road |
Arthur Lawrance | 66-67 Oxford Street |
Archibald ‘Archie’ Leader | 14 Fanshawe Street |
Herbert Henry Lee | 94 Bevois Street |
Reginald Robinson Lee | 62 Threefield Lane |
Paul Georges Lefebvre | 25 Orchard Place |
George Alfred Levett | 7 Chilworth (Tremona) Road |
Arthur Ernest Read Lewis | 99 Radcliffe Road |
Christopher William Light | 24 Lower Back of the Walls |
W. Light | 25 Grove Street |
Charles Herbert Lightoller | 110 Station Road, Netley |
William Charles Lindsay | 3 Coleman Street |
Alexander James Littlejohn | 11 Western Terrace |
Humphrey Lloyd | 30 Oxford Street |
William Lloyd | 18 Orchard Place |
Albert George Locke | 309 Portswood Road |
Frank Long | 19 Sidford Street |
William Long | 5 Marine Terrace |
John Lovell | 21 Highlands (Defender) Road |
William Arthur Lucas | Corporation Flats, Simnel Street |
William Watson Lucas | 3 Cardigan Terrace |
Charles Lydiatt | 12 Brunswick Square |
William Henry Lyons | 27 Orchard Lane |
John Charles Mabey | 27 Grove Road |
Charles Donald McKay | 18 Milton Road |
George William Mackie | 31 Winchester Road |
Thomas Edgar Major | 30 Oxford Street |
William James ‘Wally’ Major | 4 Oriental Terrace |
Roland Frederick Mantle | 60 Brinton’s Road |
John Starr March | 13 East Park Terrace |
George John Marett | 32 Elm Street |
James Marks | 93 Livingstone Road |
John William Marriott | 7 Chilworth (Tremona) Road |
Evelyn Marsden | 7 West Marlands Terrace |
Frederick Charles Marsh | 5 Upper Back of the Walls |
Leopold Adolphus Light Maskell | 26 Albert Road |
Frank Archibald Robert Mason | 30a Waverley Road |
J. Mason | 3 Wickham Court, French Street |
David Matherson | 20 Richmond Street |
Montague Vincent Mathias | 2 Western Esplanade |
Adolf Mattmann | 3 Orchard Place |
John Maxwell | 27 Leighton (St Edmund’s) Road |
Arthur William May (Snr) | 75 York Street |
Arthur William May (Jnr) | 75 York Street |
Isaac Hiram Maynard | 31 Earls Road |
William Peter Mayo | 24 Cable Street |
Alfred Maytum | 12 Stafford Road |
Thomas Jubilee Mayzes | 8 Commercial Street |
Thomas McAndrew | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Frederick James McCarthy | 17 Charlton Road |
William McCastlin | 58 French Street |
Hugh Walter McElroy | Polygon Hotel |
James ‘Jimmy’ McGann | 18 St George’s Place |
Edward Joseph McGarvey | 54 College Street |
Erroll Victor McGaw | 6 Broadlands Road |
George Francis ‘Paddy’ McGough | 8 St George’s Street |
James McGrady | Platform Tavern, Town Quay |
William McIntyre | 20 Floating Bridge Road |
Hypatia McLaren | 9 Shirley Road |
Arthur McMicken | 43 Suffolk Avenue |
Benjamin McMicken | 43 Suffolk Avenue |
John Richard McMullin | 120 St Mary’s Road |
William Alexander McRae | 42 Threefield Lane |
Arthur Mellor | 6 Carlton Place |
George Milford | 3 Graham Street |
Christopher Mills | 94 Albert Road |
William Mintram | 15 Chapel Road |
Abraham Mansoor Mishellany | 30 Oxford Street |
Lorenzo Horace ‘Lawrence’ Mitchell | 45 Bevois Valley Road |
Alfred Ernest Moore | 142 St Mary’s Road |
George Alfred Moore | 51 Graham Road |
J. Moore | 64 Arthur Road |
Richard Henry Moores | 174 Northumberland Road |
Arthur Morgan | 18 Threefield Lane |
Thomas Morgan | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Frank Herbert Morris | 5 Shirley Road |
William Morris | 5 Marine Parade |
William Moss | 37 Charlton Road |
Ludwig ‘Louis’ Müller | 66-67 Oxford Street |
Thomas Mullin | 12 Onslow (Swift) Road |
William McMaster Murdoch | 94 (116) Belmont Road |
William John Murdock | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Harold Bentley Neal | 13 Cliff (Wharncliffe) Road |
George Walter Nettleton | 23 Empress Road |
Charles Thomas Newman | 9 Latimer Street |
Sidney Nicholls | 3 Brunswick Square |
Albert William Stanley Nichols | 37 Oakley Road |
Arthur Nichols | 43 Suffolk Avenue |
Walter Henry Nichols | 40 Kent Road |
John Brown Niven AKA J. McGregor | 7 Briton Street |
John Thomas Noon | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
James Norris | 5 Spa Road |
Bertram Arthur Noss | 8 St Peter’s Road |
Henry Noss | 12 Back Lane |
William Nutbean | 5 Horseman’s Buildings |
John O’Connor | 9 Tower Place |
Charles Olive | 43 College Street |
Ernest Roskelly Olive | 37 Hanley Road |
Henry ‘Harry’ Oliver | 15 Nichols Road |
Alfred Olliver | 38 Andersons Road |
Dr William Francis Norman O’Loughlin | Polygon Hotel |
Walter Hayward Orpet | 1 Vaudrey Street |
James Orr | 45 Coleman Street |
William Edward Osborne | 7 Hewitts Road |
Frank Osman | 43 High Street (Bishop’s Road) |
Charles Alfred Othen | 6 Northumberland Road |
Lewis Owen | 29 Earls Road |
Reginald Ivan Pacey | 179 Millbrook Road |
Jean Baptiste Stanislas Pachera | 3 Orchard Place |
Richard Charles John Paice | 30 Houndwell Gardens |
Charles Painter | 172 Mortimer Road |
Frank Painter | 27 Mortimer Road |
James Arthur Paintin | 20 Shakespeare Avenue |
Edward Parsons | 26 Roberts Road |
Frank Alfred Parsons | 38 Bugle Street |
Richard Parsons | 3 Polygon (Henstead) Road |
Charles Henry Pascoe | 68 High Street |
Alfred Ernest Pearce | 27 Richmond Street |
John Pearce | 14 Drummond Road |
Albert Victor Pearcey | 23 Kent Road |
Alessandro Pedrini | Orchard Place |
George Pelham | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
homas Frederick Cohen Pennal | 77 Imperial Avenue |
Alfred Penney | 21 Chantry Road |
William Farr Penny | 29 Lodge Road |
John Poole Penrose | 13 South View (Hawkswood) Road |
Laurence Alexander Perkins | 24 Emsworth Road |
Walter John Perkis | Victoria (Chatsworth) Road |
William Charles Perren | 24 Bellemoor Road |
Charles Eastman | 17 Cecil Avenue |
Hubert Prouse Perriton | 11 St Andrew’s Road |
Edgar Lionel Perry | 3 Ryde Terrace |
Henry Frederick Perry | 3 Ryde Terrace |
William Chapman Peters | 114 Ludlow Road |
Edwin Henry Petty | 25 Orchard Place |
Richard Paul Jozef Pfropper | 8 Washington Terrace |
Harold Charles William Phillimore | 73 Priory Road |
George Phillips | 5 Grove Street |
Walter John Phillips | 8 Jessie Terrace |
William James Pitfield | 13 Albert (Keswick) Road |
Wilfred George Platt | 107 Belgrave Road |
John Podesta | 31 Chantry Road |
Emilio Poggi | Orchard Place |
John Thomas Poingdestre | 4 Elm Road |
George Pond | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Percy Robert Pook | 23 Chantry Road |
Frank Port | Rockbourne, Foundry Lane |
Thomas Porteus | 20 Upper Bugle Street |
George Pragnell | 3 Brewhouse Court |
Frank Winnold Prentice | 71 Denzil Avenue |
Thomas Charles Alfred Preston | 42 Millbank Street |
Arthur Priest | 27 Lower Canal Walk |
Harold John Prior | 48 Padwell Road |
Charles Proctor | 29 South View Road |
Richard Royston Proudfoot | 2 Peartree Green |
Charles William Pryce | Newlands Avenue |
Alfred Pugh | 72 Orchard Lane |
Percy Pugh | 22 Peel Street |
William Robert Holland Pusey | 18 Briton Street |
John Edward ‘Jack’ Puzey | 61 Manor Road |
Frank Henry Randall | 182 Empress Road |
Thomas Ranger | 81 Middle Road |
William Henry Rattenbury | 27 Romsey Road |
Joseph Read | 3 Nelson Place |
Thomas Charles Prowse Reed | 140 Derby Road |
Frederick Simms Reeves | 22 Cable Street |
Frederick Vernon Hilton Reeves | 33 Ordnance Road |
Robert Thomas Reid | 3 Wickham Court, French Street |
Philip Rentowl AKA S. Sullivan | 27 Marsh Lane |
William James Francis Revell | 102 Malmesbury Road |
Charles John Rice | 12 Oriental Terrace |
Percy Rice | 40 Thackeray Road |
Joseph James Richards | 25 Summers Street |
George Albert Dolman ‘Will’ Rickman | 40 Derby Road |
Cyril Gordon Ricks | 1 Hanley Road |
Walter George Ridout | 6 Queen Anne’s Buildings |
Gilbert Rimmer | 50 Cranbury Avenue |
George Edward Roberton | 36 Mount Street |
Robert George Roberts | 5 Wheeler’s Court |
Elizabeth Franklin AKA Annie Robinson | 128 Shirley Road |
James William Robinson | Vine Cottage, Carlisle Road |
Edward James William Rogers | 120 Oxford Avenue |
Horace Leopold Ross | 70 Inkerman Road |
Arthur John Rous | 18 Radcliffe Road |
Edgar Maurice Rowe | 56 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Henry Rudd | 20 Chapel Street |
Samuel James Rule | 81 Atherley Road |
Boysie Richard Russell | Anchor Hotel, Test Lane |
Sydney Frank Rutter | 8 North Front |
Thomas Ryan | 81 Albert Road |
Owen Wilmore Samuel | 125 Osborne Road |
Charles Edward Sangster | 83 Bevois Street |
William Ernest Saunders | 29 Albert Road |
F. Saunders | 12 Sussex Terrace |
William Henry Saunders | Edward Street |
Walter Ernest Saunders | 1 Southbrook Square |
Charles James Savage | 8 Harold Road |
Sidney Conrad Siebert | 8 Harold Road |
Robert James Sawyer | 25 Bevois Street |
Joseph George Scarrott | 36 Albert Road |
Archibald Scott | 3 Lower Canal Walk |
Frederick William Scott | 107 Clifford Street |
John Scott | 6 Canal Walk |
Robert Scovell | 141 Foundry Lane |
Samuel Francis ‘Sidney’ Sedunary | 34 Emsworth Road |
Alfred Henry Self | 75 Romsey Road |
Albert Charles Edward Self | 3 Kingsley Road |
Wilfred Deable Seward | 5 Shirley Road |
John Joseph Shea | 77 Portsmouth Road |
Thomas Shea | 18 Briton Street |
Frederick Sheath | 12 Bell Street |
Alfred Charles Shiers | 5 Peel Street |
Charles Frederick Shillabeer | 21 Nelson Road |
Jonathan Shepherd | 16 Bellevue Terrace |
Andrew George James Simmons | 80 Bevois Valley Road |
Frederick Charles Simmons | 263 Millbrook Road |
William Simmons | 2 Thackeray Road |
William Skeates | 29 King Street |
Edward Skinner | 30 Oxford Street |
Alfred Slade | 21 Chantry Road |
Bertram Slade | 21 Chantry Road |
Thomas Slade | 21 Chantry Road |
Harry John Slight | 48 Bellevue Street |
William Henry James Slight | Hillside Avenue |
Peter Sloan | 77a Clovelly Road |
William McMillan Small | 14 Russell Street |
John Smillie | 16 Malmesbury Road |
Charles Smith | 35 Grove Street |
Charles Edwin Smith | Portsmouth Road |
Captain Edward Smith | 34 Winn Road |
Ernest George Smith | 1 St Mary’s Buildings |
James Muil Smith | Cawdor, Millais Road |
James William Smith | 5 Sir George’s Road |
John Richard Jago Smith | 45 Atherley Road |
Kate Elizabeth Smith | Balmoral, Cobbett Road |
Reginald George Smith | 46 Stafford Road |
William Smith | 12 Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Harry James Smither | 1 Ash Tree Road |
George Snellgrove | 9 Cecil Avenue |
William Henry Snook | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Eustace Philip Snow | 21 Lower Canal Walk |
Henry William Sparkman | Spring Road |
John Henry ‘Jack’ Stagg | 66 Commercial Road |
Augustus George Stanbrook | 36 York Street |
Sydney Frederick Stebbings | 25 Richville Road |
Robert Edward Steel | 2 Nelson Street |
John Stewart | 7 Earls Road |
Henry Dorey Stocker | Middle Road |
Edmund Stone | 105 St Andrew’s Road |
Edward Thomas Stone | 91 Shirley Road |
Thomas Albert Street | 10 Lion Street |
Edward Alfred Orlando ‘Ted’ Stroud | 120 Malmesbury Road |
Harry John Stroud | 167 Shirley Road |
John Herbert Strugnell | 38 The Polygon |
Harry Robert Stubbings | 144 Onslow Road |
James Henry Stubbs | 11 Spa Road |
William Swan | 174 Shirley Road |
John Crane Symonds | 1 Church Street |
George Frederick Charles Talbot | Lemon Road |
Frederick Tamlyn | 20 Southampton Street |
Charles William Frederick Taylor | 85 High Street |
Bernard Cuthbert Taylor | 5 Oxford Street |
J. Taylor | 94 Manor Road |
George Taylor AKA James Taylor | 35 Russell Street |
John Henry Taylor | 23 Queen Street |
William Henry Taylor | 2 Broad Street |
William John Taylor | 42 Morris Road |
Bertram Terrell | North Front |
Frank Terrell | 5 Grove Street |
Thomas Moore Teuton | 19 Middle Road |
Alfred Theissinger | 102 French Street |
Albert Charles Thomas | 11 Brunswick Place |
Benjamin James Thomas | 122 Avenue Road |
Joseph Wakefield Thomas | 20 Newman Street |
Herbert Henry Thompson | 29 Lumsden Avenue |
William Gordon Thorley | 18 John Street |
Harry Thorn AKA H. Johnston | 103 Albert Road |
George Terrill Thresher | 36 Mount Pleasant Road |
Carlo Tietz | Bridge Road (Bernard Street) |
Arthur Leopold Tizard | 23 Lower York Street |
Fred Toms | 29 Hillside Avenue |
Thomas Topp | 89 Milton Road |
James Adamson Toshack | 103 Malmesbury Road |
James Tozer | 6 Challis Court |
Robert Triggs | 3 Canal Walk |
Richard Turley | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Leopold Olerenshaw Turner | 19 Terminus Terrace |
Arthur Veal | 15 Imperial Avenue |
Thomas Henry Edom Veal | 20 Forster Road |
Henry Vear | 2 Spa Gardens |
William Vear | 2 Spa Gardens |
Philip Francis Vigott | 2 Windsor Terrace |
Percy Wake | 2 Gloucester Passage |
Catherine Jane Wallis | 23 St Mary’s Place |
James Walpole | 12 Stafford Road |
Kate Walsh AKA Kate Roche | 57 Church Road |
Edward Bryon Ward | 6 Blechynden Terrace |
James William Ward | 22 James Street |
Percy Thomas Ward | 36 Richville Road |
William Ward | 107 Millbrook Road |
Frederick Albert Wardner | 42 Endle Street |
Robert Arthur Wareham | 46 Park Road |
Tom Warwick | Bagber Road |
Edward Lewis Wateridge | Redbridge Road |
William Watson | 13 York Street |
Thomas Herbert Weatherstone | 5 Kenilworth Road |
Brook Holding Webb | 33 Hanley Road |
Samuel Webb | Sailors’ Home, Oxford Street |
Francis Albert Webber | 49 Avenue (Radstock) Road |
Augustus Weikman | Ivy Bank, Dyer Road |
William Harold Welch | North Haven, Bond Road |
William Clifford ‘Willie’ Weller | Holyrood House, Winkle Street |
Joseph Thomas Wheat | 14 Cobden Gardens |
Edenser Edward Wheelton | 4 Bellemoor Road |
Albert White AKA R. Morrell | 51 Malmesbury Road |
Alfred Albert White | 3 Southampton Place |
Frank Leonard White | 14 Northbrook Road |
Edward Joseph White | 41 Thackeray Road |
Leonard Lisle Oliver White | 248 Romsey Road |
William George White | 9 Coburg Street |
Alfred Henry Whitford | 33 Richmond Street |
Isaac George ‘James’ Widgery | 66-67 Oxford Street |
Samuel Solomon Williams | 5 Canal Walk |
Walter John Williams | 52 Northumberland Road |
James Bertram Williamson | 93 Clovelly Road |
William Willis | 59 Derby Road |
William Aubrey Willsher | 8 Britannia Road |
Bertie Wilson | 40 Richmond Road |
William Edward Wilton | 5 Queen Street |
Alfred Edgar Windebank | 8 Wyndham Place |
Rowland Winser AKA George Evans | 2 Nightingale Grove |
William Francis ‘Frank’ Witts | St Michael’s House |
Henry Dennis ‘Harry’ Witt | 28 College Street |
James William Cheetham Witter | 56 Portchester Road |
Henrich ‘Henry’ Wittmann | 12 Richville Road |
Henry Wood | St Michael’s House |
Frederick Ernest Woodford | 14 Clovelly Road |
Oscar Scott Woody | 13-14 Terminus Terrace |
Fred Wormald | 5 Testwood Road |
William Worthman AKA William Jarvis | 29 Canal Walk |
Frederick Bernard Wrapson | 33 Southampton Street |
William Wright | 9 Emsworth Road |
James Wyeth | 14 Millbank Street |
William Wynn | 81 Church Street |
Harry Yearsley | 6 Gloucester Passage |
Francis James ‘Frank’ Young | 28 Russell Street |
Luigi Zarracchi | 9 Orchard Place |
Acknowledgements and sources:
Southampton City Council: Their crew list served as the basis for the information included on the map, their street directories were extremely useful, and the index of death notices and memorials also came in handy.
In checking the information on SCC’s crew list I used the excellent Encyclopedia Titanica where detailed information on every crew member featured on the map can be found. I also found’s ‘Titanic tales’ series helpful when looking at some of the addresses.
There are currently only a few photos on the map, these are either public domain images or they have been very kindly provided by the family of the crew member. As such, these photos remain the property of the family. I may add more photos over time.
National Library of Scotland’s maps were invaluable for plotting the markers. The link should take you to a side by side viewer. On the ‘Select a map series’ drop down box select ‘OS 25 Inch, 1892-1914’ on one side and ‘OpenStreetMap’ on the other for best results when comparing to my map. I used to get the coordinates.
Books: Titanic Voices Memories from the Fateful Voyage by Donald Hyslop, Alastair Forsyth, and Sheila Jemima. Southampton’s Chapel Area by Dave Marden. Southampton’s Inns and Taverns by Tony Gallaher.
I also used’s census entries and newspaper archives.
Whilst they fall outside the modern city boundary, I still decided to include Netley Abbey, West End, Hythe, Totton, and Eling. It is worth remembering that Woolston did not become part of Southampton until eight years after the sinking. I decided not to include those who had addresses at Eastleigh, Chandler’s Ford, and Romsey.
There were seven men who were listed as ‘deserters’ and I decided to include four of them because of the famous story they’re associated with. They are the three Slade brothers and their mate Alfred Penney, who signed on to the ship but then went for some drinks at the Grapes pub. They left the pub too late and missed the voyage by a matter of minutes. There were also ten men listed as ‘failed to join’ who are not included on the map.